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Swirve Football RotoGuru Team Rankings
Updated 01/01/01 10:45 EST

Points and rankings include games through NFL Week 17
This table is sorted by Total Points.
Number of teams listed: 70

Click on any "linked" column heading to get a table sorted by that column.
"Recent Points" refers to points earned during last week. .
"Delta Rank" refers to the change in world rank during last week. .
"3-week Efficiency" reflects the points per $million spent over the past three weeks.
Current Payroll and Cash are reported in $thousands.
To have your Swirve team included, follow the instructions below the table.

Guru                           Total  Recent  World  Delta  Current     Cash  3-week Sort
Rank Team Name                Points  Points   Rank   Rank  Payroll    Spent  Efficy Rank
   1 Sponge Bob Square Pants 165,148   6,983      4      2   $3,108  $53,735   2,956    1
   2 Endangered Species      164,889   7,461      5      0   $3,472  $53,743   2,883    2
   3 Species                 161,352   6,075     11      2   $3,502  $53,723   2,713    3
   4 Damage Inc              161,079   5,177     13      6   $2,956  $53,750   3,019    4
   5 D-ICE                   159,440   6,269     26      6   $3,109  $53,748   2,838    5
   6 DaBears                 158,880   6,683     30      7   $3,171  $53,690   2,830    6
   7 Silver Stars            158,695   9,080     32    -21   $3,462  $53,729   2,847    7
   8 RotoGuru.com            157,993   6,517     38      4   $3,568  $53,729   2,923    8
   9 Team Berg               157,673   7,042     45      5   $3,309  $53,732   2,766    9
  10 Sandman's Slashers      156,806   6,478     62     19   $3,126  $53,704   2,900   10
  11 Bend Packers            156,485   8,933     68    -28   $2,054  $53,497   3,004   11
  12 BOXSCORE NATION         155,326   7,482     83     -4   $4,017  $53,740   2,447   12
  13 Turf Toads              155,128   8,648     87    -41   $3,679  $53,668   3,353   13
  14 DMAN                    154,259   5,825    107     37   $3,103  $53,691   2,941   14
  15 NEMESIS                 154,190   7,207    111      3   $3,370  $53,733   3,023   15
  16 Catman                  153,431   5,778    135     43   $3,162  $53,737   2,901   16
  17 kentucky steelers       153,387   7,764    136    -27   $4,016  $53,742   2,567   17
  18 syracuse storm          153,185   6,596    141     17   $3,488  $53,578   2,684   18
  19 Hawkman                 152,964   6,287    151     31   $2,846  $53,000   3,271   19
  20 syracuse thunder        152,786   6,712    159     11   $3,529  $53,598   2,646   20
  21 Lewisville Cowboys      151,725   9,760    202   -129   $4,471  $53,747   2,870   21
  22 Who's Yo Daddy ?        150,453   8,124    254    -56   $3,880  $53,723   2,554   22
  23 The Tarpon              150,065   7,750    277    -34   $3,751  $53,744   2,788   23
  24 teletubbies a           150,046   9,875    280   -171   $3,841  $53,750   2,852   24
  25 NCTC Lions              149,600   8,638    298    -91   $3,398  $53,728   2,711   25
  26 Westside Heat           149,166   6,743    329     24   $3,945  $53,454   2,752   26
  27 Frozen Tundra           148,885   8,250    345    -64   $3,677  $53,738   2,615   27
  28 GLOCKS                  148,766   8,383    350    -83   $3,922  $53,722   2,304   28
  29 deepsnapper 2           147,659  10,413    415   -302   $5,003  $53,160   2,719   29
  30 Red Dog Running         147,514   9,864    428   -249   $4,589  $53,387   2,853   30
  31 Dallas Cowboys          147,493   7,982    431    -68   $3,532  $53,744   3,012   31
  32 skinneej                147,127   9,572    459   -231   $4,399  $53,743   2,746   32
  33 Hadden Blitz            146,731   9,143    484   -203   $4,004  $53,719   2,549   33
  34 San pedro valkyries     146,442   6,875    506     10   $3,442  $53,743   2,465   34
  35 deepsnapper             146,353  10,320    512   -332   $5,133  $53,582   2,623   35
  36 Flower Mound Cowboys    146,005  10,413    540   -352   $5,029  $53,425   2,800   36
  37 NY Shadows              145,930   8,165    545   -115   $3,737  $53,703   2,479   37
  38 Powder Puff Girls       145,250   5,186    607    147   $3,406  $51,699   2,581   38
  39 Silicon Valley dRAMS    145,025   6,341    629     54   $3,131  $53,720   2,861   39
  40 Red Dog Blitz           144,873  10,008    647   -319   $4,532  $53,630   2,746   40
  41 FM Cowboys              144,133   7,505    726    -55   $3,904  $53,684   2,665   41
  42 Shadow                  142,798   8,588    866   -188   $3,794  $53,724   2,501   42
  43 coldwater coyotes       142,453   4,125    901    298   $1,948  $53,730   2,708   43
  44 Other Ones              142,186   6,465    930     50   $3,763  $53,512   2,569   44
  45 philliephan             139,998   4,373  1,187    297   $3,348  $53,657   2,546   45
  46 parkerford pros         139,762   4,900  1,220    252   $1,994  $52,961   2,812   46
  47 DVLDudes                138,718   7,535  1,381    -89   $3,437  $53,710   2,606   47
  48 philliephans            137,442   5,060  1,549    244   $3,203  $52,045   2,332   48
  49 I Suck                  137,135   5,907  1,599    134   $2,963  $51,980   2,103   49
  50 V's Lions               134,944   7,623  1,955   -150   $4,333  $53,729   2,515   50
  51 Romans 6:23             134,549   6,352  2,017     71   $4,080  $53,603   2,265   51
  52 DVLddUDESII             129,622   7,210  2,886   -140   $3,592  $53,731   2,356   52
  53 The NYK Warriors        125,676   6,362  3,668    -30   $4,197  $52,397   2,407   53
  54 St. Louis Psychos       124,042   6,513  4,029    -98   $3,787  $53,135   2,603   54
  55 Err West                123,400   4,987  4,168    238   $3,092  $49,818   2,262   55
  56 Tigger Touchdowns       121,265  12,491  4,639 -1,764   $3,767  $51,369   2,642   56
  57 Cornell AllStars        119,322   4,460  5,051    289   $3,036  $51,657   1,895   57
  58 Football_101            118,807   6,356  5,166   -182   $3,280  $52,295   2,056   58
  59 Matt's Buc's            115,982   7,614  5,852   -678   $4,200  $53,383   2,308   59
  60 Washed Up               115,953   7,192  5,857   -555   $2,781  $47,020   2,453   60
  61 That Damn Good          112,115   5,425  6,842   -210   $2,947  $49,694   2,465   61
  62 the great cow gods      104,583   3,914  8,985     38   $2,229  $49,726   1,902   62
  63 airallnite              101,502   5,101  9,976   -455   $2,745  $46,771   2,090   63
  64 High Stakes              95,899       0 11,988  1,335   $3,457  $50,487   1,825   64
  65 Dilligad                 93,295   2,509 13,058    198   $3,038  $49,961   1,728   65
  66 Dilligads                93,089   4,999 13,173 -1,054   $2,876  $48,058   1,515   66
  67 Troy Studs               85,780   5,066 16,795 -1,201   $2,817  $50,738   1,851   67
  68 Catman 11                74,237   5,844 21,758   -689   $2,913  $49,521   1,585   68
  69 RockChalker              45,267   1,297 25,514    184   $1,183  $20,104   1,899   69
  70 WV STEELERS              10,378     711 27,650     71     $626  $10,634     716   70

If your team is not listed, and you want to be included, then email me [davehall@home.com] the name of your team, and the ID# of your team. You can find the team ID# in the heading of your Team Overview table at the Swirve game site..

RotoGuru is produced by Dave Hall (a.k.a. the Guru), an avid fantasy sports player. He is neither employed by nor compensated by any of the fantasy sports games discussed within this site, and all opinions expressed are solely his own. Questions or comments are welcome, and should be emailed to Guru<davehall@home.com>.

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