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RotoGuru's Football Pickoff Standings
Scores include games through the Super Bowl (final)

Sort order

Entries are sorted by year-to-date total points.
Your entry's line is printed in red.
"Formula entries" are printed in blue.
See explanation of Formula Entries at the bottom of this page.

                               Full Season   This Week
Rank Entry Name               Points  Wins   Pts  Wins  
   1 Sludge 2                   2520   128   -94     0
   2 Barefooters                1830   156     0     0
   3 MAZMATAZZ5                 1664   127    94     1
   4 Corstyles                  1640   121    94     1
   5 jungleman025               1517   158   -47     0
   6 jeff3                      1487   149    94     1
   7 balls                      1441   141    94     1
   8 WAB1                       1410    90     0     0
   9 scotto                     1398    93   -94     0
  10 JJSikora                   1336   117     0     0
  11 jeff2                      1315   132   -94     0
  12 philliephan                1263   114     0     0
  13 smagid                     1255   137   -94     0
  14 Speilman                   1235    74    94     1
  15 TBRaiders2                 1184   149     0     0
     Vegas Underdogs            1174    90   -47     0
  16 Seattle Zen                1173   130     0     0
  17 Ngod                       1167   132   -94     0
  18 MattS8282                  1160   125    94     1
  19 siposr                     1139   152   -94     0
  20 Nuclear Gophers            1136   148    94     1
  21 mad scientist              1115   157     0     0
  22 WAB2                       1069    89     0     0
  23 G Dogg                     1025   141    94     1
  24 swami                       996   140    94     1
  25 Scientific Approach         970    99   -94     0
  26 CWTB???                     952   105   -94     0
  27 PCMatt38                    939   123   -94     0
  28 SweetySoft                  938    97     0     0
  29 adrock_420                  932    74   -94     0
  30 hh                          928   129     0     0
  31 Punishark2                  922    98     0     0
  32 Blondi 3                    896    89     0     0
  33 MALLinyourMOUSE.com         880   149     0     0
  34 jumpball                    868    97    47     1
     Consensus Underdogs         863    85   -47     0
  35 New York Gangsters          852    93   -94     0
  36 mu_royals                   851   104   -94     0
  37 Mike04161979                848   135     0     0
  38 jrowland                    844    31     0     0
  39 yo                          840   139     0     0
  40 WAB                         814    89     0     0
  41 Texas Bulldog               804   149     0     0
  42 pogophiles                  789   148     0     0
  43 Euchre Champs II            788   107     0     0
  44 KevinL                      787   154     0     0
  45 MAZMATAZZ                   779    94   -94     0
  46 Ms. jumpball                769    98    94     1
  47 5th down                    766   126     0     0
  48 Skins Win                   762   109     0     0
  49 StLCards2                   757   119   -94     0
  50 skinneej                    737   127     0     0
  51 Mighty Mites                731   104    94     1
  52 The Pink Pimp               714   112     0     0
  53 Strike One                  712   115     0     0
  54 ggavran                     708   118     0     0
  55 Memphis Blues               695   142     0     0
  56 elite                       692   144     0     0
  57 Vaj                         676   143   -47     0
  58 scooter's scooters          668   146     0     0
  59 BF Reds                     647   137   -94     0
  60 the poets                   642   146     0     0
  61 SweetySoftNFL               630    86     0     0
  62 jreese                      623   139    94     1
  63 remo1234                    614   150     0     0
  64 skiple                      605    39     0     0
  65 fubar                       598   128   -94     0
  66 mud face                    591   139    94     1
  67 SMG                         587   149     0     0
  68 WiBdgrs                     583   107     0     0
  69 jfk                         581    13     0     0
  70 Mountain Mars               574   124    94     1
  71 Dublin Dogs2                568   156   -47     0
  72 Blondi 2                    562   121     0     0
  73 BF Dead                     553   133   -94     0
     Home Teams                  547   138   -47     0
  74 www.deckcomputers.com       535    82     0     0
  75 Far Niente                  532    74     0     0
  76 deepchills                  531   130     0     0
  77 Sludge 3                    522   110   -94     0
  78 Shooter                     520    88     0     0
  79 Jaydoghall                  514    61     0     0
  80 csen                        514     8     0     0
  81 sandlotshrink               513    31     0     0
  82 aggies                      512    87   -94     0
  83 NYRAGE                      498   145     0     0
  84 rockfish                    496   109     0     0
  85 gstolpa                     493    11     0     0
  86 Phinfan                     490    53     0     0
  87 nate686                     487   143    94     1
  88 oaf75                       484    45     0     0
  89 White Fluffy Sheep          469    67     0     0
  90 Sandman's Slashers          465   150     0     0
  91 WorldB                      455   142   -94     0
  92 steve                       452    94     0     0
  93 chizz1                      448   127     0     0
  94 football20000               422    13     0     0
  95 Dev2                        418    55     0     0
  96 MontyBurns                  411    19     0     0
  97 White Tiger                 379   126     0     0
  98 wow                         378   143     0     0
  99 Euchre Champs               373   129     0     0
 100 Species                     367    96     0     0
 101 Eat Acid                    367    56     0     0
 102 timchem                     362    64     0     0
 103 ctownrocks                  355    47     0     0
 104 Volzd                       354   136    94     1
 105 ksoze                       353   143     0     0
 106 rryanjr                     350    83     0     0
 107 katz11                      344   128     0     0
 108 Euchre Champions            344   109     0     0
 109 Kevin                       342   142    94     1
 110 pierced5                    340    77     0     0
 111 TWSSPORTS.COM               331   115     0     0
 112 snakeayez                   327   132     0     0
 113 the-islam.com               323   130     0     0
 114 milkmannn                   320    11     0     0
 115 Soldier Fielders            317   119    47     1
 116 RotoGuru.com                311   125   -94     0
 117 jkaye                       308    59     0     0
 118 Old_Oiler                   305   129     0     0
 119 beerman                     300   127     0     0
 120 tls1249                     299     8    94     1
 121 BillsMan                    295   156   -47     0
     Smart Dart                  287   146   -47     0
 122 hornfrogs                   287   139     0     0
 123 Buckeyes                    287    11     0     0
 124 Giants                      283   107   -94     0
 125 SwinganaMiss                282    70     0     0
 126 Valkyrie                    278   148     0     0
 127 Aureo's Patriots            275    93     0     0
 128 darkpic                     273    10     0     0
 129 Victory Drive               271   141     0     0
 130 Iron City Beer Guzzlers     270   150    94     1
 131 GothWalker                  268    99     0     0
 132 fresh wind                  267    59     0     0
 133 rockfisher                  265   138     0     0
 134 Punishark                   263   108     0     0
 135 jboston                     263    56     0     0
 136 gts                         263    10     0     0
 137 uke72                       255    32     0     0
 138 csh                         252    11     0     0
 139 Dublin Dogs                 243   155    47     1
 140 yea                         243   111    94     1
 141 Harry                       241     4     0     0
 142 orlando37                   240   102     0     0
 143 CRocks                      239    11     0     0
 144 welcs                       236    95     0     0
 145 Steagles 43                 235   107     0     0
 146 UTEMAN                      230    20     0     0
 147 Kelly44                     229   156   -94     0
 148 browndogs                   222   105     0     0
 149 Round Rock Eagles           216   119   -94     0
 150 fatsacoffat                 214    15     0     0
 151 FumblinRooster              205    60     0     0
 152 GoBonas                     199   127   -94     0
 153 Brigadoon Bucs              197    11     0     0
 154 Kipmongers                  196   154   -94     0
 155 NCTC2                       196   132     0     0
 156 zzzrjhant                   195   138   -94     0
 157 noragar                     194    37     0     0
 158 Sludge 1                    187   127   -94     0
 159 TD                          182   146     0     0
 160 fastat3m                    182     9     0     0
 161 GoatLocker                  178   146   -94     0
 162 Kenny Killers               176    99     0     0
 163 azpackerbacker              174    84     0     0
 164 coldwater coyotes           170   140   -94     0
 165 larry                       164     9     0     0
 166 pats2000                    161    10     0     0
 167 PuntPassandPunish           156   108     0     0
 168 Dev                         152    46     0     0
 169 Sponge Bob Square Pants     151    92     0     0
 170 SkySailPats                 146   124     0     0
 171 Merrimack Monitors          145   149    94     1
 172 Fatal Image                 145    33     0     0
 173 phillyphan                  138    78     0     0
 174 Rhon                        135   151    94     1
 175 T-Rock                      134    53     0     0
 176 linda                       133     8     0     0
 177 Wrecking Crew               132    67     0     0
 178 whatsupike                  131    10     0     0
 179 champion hill               128     9     0     0
 180 richard                     127     9     0     0
 181 Gonna beat Mom and Dad 1    121    43     0     0
 182 seger                       119   116     0     0
 183 ganador                     118    43     0     0
 184 Big Poo Generator           116   105     0     0
 185 skinneej2                   116    38     0     0
 186 Berg                        115   138     0     0
 187 Peter N.                    115    21     0     0
 188 Punishark1                  114    94     0     0
 189 FishinRod                   114    17     0     0
 190 philthy23                   113    85     0     0
 191 Pengrate                    113    18     0     0
 192 WV ENFORCERS                113     9     0     0
 193 Squirt77                    111    10     0     0
 194 Buddy W.                    105    15     0     0
 195 mjansen                     103     9     0     0
 196 TROPICALISLANDCASINO.COM     99    37     0     0
 197 Larou                        98     9     0     0
 198 Kristine's Dad               94   111     0     0
 199 ChrisAly                     94    48     0     0
 200 blizzard                     90   138     0     0
 201 pdscjr                       86    19     0     0
 202 bastion                      84    15     0     0
 203 hansoal                      83    29     0     0
 204 Harkonnon                    80    36     0     0
 205 Pensteel                     79     9     0     0
 206 Ender III                    75    10     0     0
 207 What about Species?          74    85     0     0
 208 hunter                       74    42     0     0
 209 TFNG                         70     9     0     0
 210 LEFT FIELD                   69   149   -94     0
 211 triple d                     68     8     0     0
 212 Berkshire Bears              62     9     0     0
 213 SweetySoftXXXV               61    85     0     0
 214 baronvonheil                 61     7     0     0
 215 msiegel                      59    29     0     0
 216 ferd                         59    26     0     0
 217 pfc123                       56    10     0     0
 218 y2kpigskin                   54    20     0     0
 219 Krunker                      50   134   -94     0
 220 hakeem                       50    26     0     0
 221 Orange44                     50    18     0     0
 222 qstips                       49   138     0     0
 223 Felix                        47     9     0     0
 224 philthy23_3                  44    70     0     0
 225 kchaddad                     41    15     0     0
 226 sureshot73                   39   148     0     0
 227 Kshort26                     37     9     0     0
 228 MadMike                      34    35     0     0
 229 Shawn Brown                  33    73     0     0
 230 alleyoop                     31     9     0     0
 231 Richard                      29   129     0     0
 232 atreyue                      26    14     0     0
 233 hwong                        26     9     0     0
 234 Josie                        25    78     0     0
 235 Packrat                      24    37     0     0
 236 Teambruce                    24     9     0     0
 237 teletubbies a                21   153    94     1
 238 ChuckRoast                   21    60     0     0
 239 RRSlam                       21    16     0     0
 240 youngroman                   21     9     0     0
 241 Bernie Time                  20     6     0     0
 242 young guns                   19    96     0     0
 243 Bethesda Panthers            19     7     0     0
 244 Rookie                       18   139    94     1
 245 Drunken Masters 2            17    11     0     0
 246 deepsnapper                  16   152    94     1
 247 Coach1                       16   140     0     0
 248 seabreez                     16    53     0     0
 249 e-team                       16     2     0     0
 250 donsfolly                    15     8     0     0
 251 heyDAVEitsme                 12     9     0     0
 252 Gospels                      11   126     0     0
 253 DWetzel                       8    78     0     0
 254 The Pansophist                6    39    94     1
 255 FreeGA                       -2    10     0     0
 256 BigC                         -2    10     0     0
 257 LIBULLDOGS                   -6    18     0     0
 258 RAYS RAVENS                  -8     8     0     0
 259 Perm Dude                    -9   136    94     1
 260 Strike Two                  -10    63     0     0
 261 iowa-cowboys                -10     9     0     0
 262 SHERRI                      -13     7     0     0
 263 Very Tight Ends             -14     4     0     0
 264 GREENWAVE                   -15   127    94     1
 265 Late Starter                -21     8     0     0
 266 dgrubbs                     -23     5     0     0
 267 BP                          -24     6     0     0
 268 lonebuck                    -25    24     0     0
 269 ozzy                        -27     5     0     0
 270 Disunderstood               -28    52     0     0
 271 Gonna beat Mom and Dad 2    -35    41     0     0
 272 azcheese                    -36    70     0     0
 273 GM Buck II                  -37    10     0     0
 274 PwrLfter98                  -38    81     0     0
 275 Lman622                     -38     8     0     0
 276 lamont77                    -38     8     0     0
 277 chas                        -38     2     0     0
 278 Mrs. Guru                   -39   151    94     1
 279 Tertius01                   -40   108     0     0
 280 Rasputin                    -40    32     0     0
 281 Iowa Hawkeyes               -46    35     0     0
 282 Raz                         -47   139    94     1
 283 Irvine Anteaters            -50    10     0     0
 284 rita40                      -50     4     0     0
 285 KTxGOD                      -51    28     0     0
 286 bclinton23                  -52    32     0     0
 287 Ladha                       -55    56     0     0
 288 johnglad                    -61   122     0     0
 289 Noclues                     -62     8     0     0
 290 eradicatr                   -64    78     0     0
 291 dumpy                       -68     8     0     0
 292 whiskerburns                -68     8     0     0
 293 PnkFlyd898                  -69    24     0     0
 294 oclark                      -69     6     0     0
 295 kterwill                    -70    31     0     0
 296 Todd                        -70     9     0     0
 297 esposo                      -71    51     0     0
 298 debear68                    -73   106     0     0
 299 Chaine99                    -73     1     0     0
 300 OneEyedQB                   -77   146     0     0
 301 break away speed            -78    48     0     0
 302 Jay-P's Lucky Penny         -79    70     0     0
 303 jengle                      -81    16     0     0
 304 mtcarmel                    -82    73     0     0
 305 BiggerReds                  -83   131     0     0
 306 Texas Venom                 -84     7     0     0
 307 BKoscuiszka                 -86     7     0     0
 308 GAMEDAYSPORTSBOOK.COM       -87    50     0     0
 309 STORMIN                     -88     9     0     0
 310 dgreds                      -91    58     0     0
 311 bbut                        -98   100     0     0
 312 cherr                       -98     7     0     0
 313 Sura                       -104    17     0     0
 314 Akron Assassins            -105    33     0     0
 315 rking182                   -105    18     0     0
 316 NOGURU                     -108    14     0     0
 317 panther                    -115    48     0     0
 318 Dilligads                  -117   144     0     0
 319 Flake                      -121    41     0     0
 320 imfubar2                   -122   110    94     1
 321 aureo11                    -122    87     0     0
 322 Slut Puppies               -123     9     0     0
 323 beerrun                    -126    64     0     0
 324 Dobbler's                  -126    52     0     0
 325 frazbod                    -130    14     0     0
 326 NCTC3                      -132   136     0     0
 327 TBRaiders                  -133   140     0     0
 328 JohnnyT                    -134     9     0     0
 329 jmadman2                   -135    19     0     0
 330 TeamCoutts                 -138   139   -94     0
 331 Wiz Man                    -138    17     0     0
 332 killer1000                 -138     9     0     0
 333 fastatcc                   -138     7     0     0
 334 I Don't Know 1             -140   113     0     0
 335 dgred                      -140   111    94     1
 336 allgar                     -142    84     0     0
 337 flamengo                   -142    15     0     0
 338 rsf1                       -145    15     0     0
 339 VSimha1                    -146     8     0     0
 340 The Jolly Roger            -149    20     0     0
 341 Bill6609                   -151     8     0     0
 342 Joanna                     -154   149    47     1
 343 LIBANDITS                  -154    25     0     0
 344 pilewort                   -155    44     0     0
 345 Back Room Computer Geeks   -158   153   -94     0
 346 hyama                      -159     5     0     0
 347 bookie                     -163    86     0     0
 348 rfajardo                   -164     8     0     0
 349 Nasmaster                  -165    15     0     0
 350 mnhav                      -167    77     0     0
 351 WWW.SLOTLAND.COM           -168     9     0     0
 352 slug55                     -169    17     0     0
 353 Monkeys                    -170   153     0     0
 354 Mulch Manics               -172    85     0     0
 355 beastiemiked               -172    37     0     0
 356 gmen                       -172    16     0     0
 357 Bleeding Blue              -173   157   -94     0
 358 Chuck Rules                -177   103   -94     0
 359 Gonna beat Mom and Dad 3   -177    43     0     0
 360 adamtwig                   -182    29     0     0
 361 jeffg                      -184   138   -94     0
 362 thrasos                    -184    77     0     0
 363 VIDevilRays                -184    52     0     0
 364 boboli_nice                -184    24     0     0
 365 BLUE                       -186    62     0     0
 366 longhorn                   -186    15     0     0
 367 FlyersEast                 -187   148   -94     0
 368 saber34                    -190   110     0     0
 369 SuperRabbit0               -190    17     0     0
 370 cpa68                      -192   149     0     0
 371 Ghetto Frogs               -196     8     0     0
 372 wildnorm                   -200   104     0     0
 373 RecreationalUser           -201    87     0     0
 374 Hark Hitters               -201    36     0     0
 375 RecycledSpinalFluid        -202    44     0     0
 376 Hank283                    -206     6     0     0
 377 Faaborg                    -207    25     0     0
 378 mdelcorso                  -211    24     0     0
     Consensus Favorites        -213   159    47     1
 379 jspako_1                   -214     6     0     0
 380 philflyboy                 -218   156    94     1
 381 EliIsrael                  -218   119     0     0
 382 Baron88                    -219    43     0     0
 383 booyas                     -219    26     0     0
 384 jamurrin                   -224    70     0     0
 385 TD1                        -225     8     0     0
 386 Stuck60                    -226   138     0     0
 387 money4later                -227     4     0     0
 388 MacDT                      -230    78     0     0
 389 mallontown                 -232    11     0     0
 390 J                          -233    25     0     0
 391 Scrappy Doo                -238    63     0     0
 392 timnchera                  -240    17     0     0
 393 twigstones                 -245    27     0     0
     Away Teams                 -247   106    47     1
 394 Gut Instinct               -247    91   -94     0
 395 Ender II                   -250    33     0     0
 396 bradha                     -254     9     0     0
 397 Red Dogs                   -255    52     0     0
 398 Sketch                     -255    19     0     0
 399 bigtwig                    -257    15     0     0
 400 Buchster                   -260    44     0     0
 401 THE~ENIGMA                 -261    97     0     0
 402 TD3                        -263    17     0     0
 403 Willix                     -266     8     0     0
 404 stburgess                  -268   148     0     0
 405 Adam's G-men               -269    89     0     0
 406 TD2                        -270    19     0     0
 407 jfsj                       -273    11     0     0
 408 sliced bread               -277    17     0     0
 409 kevin311                   -279   128     0     0
 410 Kirkt                      -280   143     0     0
 411 JB                         -286    85     0     0
 412 MARKAG91                   -287   139   -94     0
 413 floppers                   -290     5     0     0
 414 Hoo Brown                  -298     8     0     0
 415 Kegglers                   -299   136     0     0
 416 johnny15                   -302    26     0     0
 417 zenon                      -304   143     0     0
 418 giovinmg                   -304    39     0     0
 419 The Franchise              -306    13     0     0
 420 Skippers22                 -309    15     0     0
 421 olsonjam                   -316    92     0     0
 422 DMD                        -319    16     0     0
 423 KTxGOD2                    -321     6     0     0
 424 The Weasle Teasers         -324     7     0     0
 425 GM Buck                    -326   124     0     0
 426 Beakmans                   -328    31     0     0
 427 irnuke                     -336     6     0     0
 428 imfubar                    -339   148   -94     0
 429 Bravado                    -342   144   -94     0
 430 Dex67                      -347   137     0     0
 431 Black Tiger                -347   134     0     0
 432 mpaleo                     -349    15     0     0
 433 farsight                   -353     4     0     0
 434 NCTC1                      -356   143     0     0
 435 pogophiles2                -361    66     0     0
 436 NJ Mob                     -362   155   -94     0
 437 grupbe01                   -362    14     0     0
 438 IBB64                      -363    16     0     0
 439 philflyboy2                -366   148    94     1
 440 benjyw                     -371   100    47     1
 441 Nerf Heads                 -374   138     0     0
 442 Strike Three               -380    49     0     0
 443 Stick                      -382   128     0     0
 444 saxman9384                 -383    25     0     0
 445 GamblingFool               -383    15     0     0
 446 fleetfeet                  -386    72     0     0
 447 Mike208                    -391   155    47     1
 448 Guessing 2                 -392   114     0     0
 449 The Game                   -399    40     0     0
 450 I Don't Know 2             -407    91     0     0
 451 Extreme Hark Hitters       -409    32     0     0
 452 qzar                       -409     6     0     0
 453 Paul's Balls               -412   122     0     0
 454 BB                         -423   115     0     0
 455 lance corporal             -423     7     0     0
 456 Annie                      -432    75     0     0
 457 Fun N Gun                  -432    17     0     0
 458 jmgreeni                   -433    44     0     0
 459 wedge27                    -438    40     0     0
 460 donr4                      -448   130     0     0
 461 azdbacker                  -450    74     0     0
 462 FRICK                      -453    29     0     0
 463 paperman                   -454   122     0     0
 464 peso                       -455     6     0     0
 465 Presidents                 -462   152    94     1
 466 Athasclerosis              -462     5     0     0
 467 jmadman                    -467    30     0     0
 468 MikeVu                     -470    43     0     0
 469 Vorbun                     -474    22     0     0
 470 Irish Red                  -480   148    94     1
 471 Cornell AllStar            -480    82     0     0
 472 CAVEFISH                   -481    31     0     0
 473 Bodacious Tatahs           -485    49     0     0
 474 Cornell AllStars           -485    38     0     0
 475 Slowhand                   -486   124     0     0
 476 Giggle-low                 -487   135     0     0
 477 philliephans               -487    69     0     0
 478 DWALTON                    -488    46     0     0
 479 StLCards                   -490   134     0     0
 480 biliruben                  -493     8     0     0
 481 Myboyjack                  -497   129    94     1
 482 erb136                     -507   135    94     1
 483 pykl812                    -509   136    94     1
 484 Stuck6000                  -511   135     0     0
 485 mikeyd                     -512   114     0     0
 486 Hawesloski                 -515    34     0     0
 487 StLCards1                  -517   131     0     0
 488 WiddleAvi                  -520   117     0     0
     Vegas Favorites            -524   152    47     1
 489 VikesWin                   -524    23     0     0
 490 FIGHTING NUN               -525   127     0     0
 491 myster                     -530   142   -94     0
 492 Jozay                      -534    42     0     0
 493 V's Lions                  -536   129    94     1
 494 Fisk27                     -536    54     0     0
 495 Gag's Hackers              -541    33     0     0
 496 JKaye                      -546    10     0     0
 497 Drunken Masters            -553   143     0     0
 498 pogophiles3                -555    45     0     0
 499 BIG RUSS                   -556   131     0     0
 500 candyhorse                 -556    47     0     0
 501 philflyboy3                -567   136   -94     0
 502 saber34b                   -570    32     0     0
 503 Johnny Lightning           -574   137     0     0
 504 Ref3                       -574    79     0     0
 505 dominatr32                 -575    68     0     0
 506 MVP Picks                  -578    23     0     0
 507 Gomerdude                  -579    50     0     0
 508 Ender I                    -590    41     0     0
 509 kriskro                    -595   138     0     0
 510 jprince                    -598    48     0     0
 511 DribblingIdiots            -599    33     0     0
     Random Dart                -603   113    47     1
 512 cintirich                  -605    48     0     0
 513 El Birdos                  -610   109     0     0
 514 Zebodol                    -614    32     0     0
 515 beagles                    -615   104     0     0
 516 laptop                     -622   141    94     1
 517 peterl                     -623   105     0     0
 518 asifspider                 -623    62     0     0
 519 Ubetcha                    -625    38     0     0
 520 Keyser Soze                -627   126     0     0
 521 mhest                      -631    55     0     0
 522 Carr's All Stars           -636    67     0     0
 523 Ronald Reagan              -642   128     0     0
 524 69 yard field goal         -645    79   -94     0
 525 Crap Shoot                 -647    87     0     0
 526 walkman                    -650    21     0     0
 527 Jay-P                      -659    79     0     0
 528 delta118                   -665    69     0     0
 529 Troll Patrol               -666   120     0     0
 530 fadenwalker                -671    75     0     0
 531 Gman15                     -673   135    94     1
 532 Tosh1                      -673   101     0     0
 533 Guessing 3                 -674    95     0     0
 534 Derek                      -675   127     0     0
 535 jrhenry                    -684   139    94     1
 536 cpas                       -689   149    94     1
 537 Ref2                       -690    78     0     0
 538 The Uprights               -692    98     0     0
 539 ApolloKidd                 -695   138    94     1
 540 BK                         -701    65     0     0
 541 twg3                       -705   111     0     0
 542 Smith32                    -708    79   -94     0
 543 BooHoo                     -713   112     0     0
 544 louky                      -714    55     0     0
 545 RebelFan                   -719   121     0     0
 546 vireos                     -728   133    94     1
 547 red barchetta              -729   130    94     1
 548 Dec                        -743   127     0     0
 549 Ankles                     -743   119     0     0
 550 larz                       -747    20     0     0
 551 Josie2                     -756    66     0     0
 552 rewq                       -762   134   -94     0
 553 mikethechamp               -769   111    94     1
 554 mightymack                 -772    76     0     0
 555 Tosh                       -773   106     0     0
 556 wdme1                      -774   137     0     0
 557 Hundred Steppers           -777    84     0     0
 558 SMACK                      -782    75     0     0
 559 rj2                        -785   138   -47     0
 560 mjmathews                  -785    89     0     0
 561 Mookies                    -788   111     0     0
 562 mccortney                  -800   128     0     0
 563 CanEHdian Pride            -802    89     0     0
 564 Oblong Bears               -810    70     0     0
 565 timber                     -811   117     0     0
 566 chenpat                    -821   137     0     0
 567 MdLawBirds                 -832   102     0     0
 568 Doug                       -866    38     0     0
 569 Deneb                      -868    62     0     0
 570 Centurions                 -875   121   -94     0
 571 katz1                      -875   116     0     0
 572 Code Cracker               -882   139     0     0
 573 bn1696                     -889   104     0     0
 574 mitchcat                   -892   137     0     0
 575 Cuda's                     -896   139     0     0
 576 scoobies                   -911   105    94     1
 577 sychosport                 -911    52     0     0
 578 Powerhouse                 -912   118     0     0
 579 philthy23_2                -920    39     0     0
 580 Ref                        -921    81     0     0
 581 LSUstudent                 -922   112     0     0
 582 hackblack                  -928   144     0     0
 583 DMS                        -969    73    94     1
 584 Caper                      -976   119     0     0
 585 Dhivyan                    -982    47     0     0
 586 Limp Pantherz              -992    81     0     0
 587 RichBastards               -995   100     0     0
 588 4U2NV                     -1002   108     0     0
 589 mveber                    -1016   130     0     0
 590 crazy ass                 -1021    71     0     0
 591 GOING FOR BROKE           -1021    59     0     0
 592 mu_tigers                 -1025   133     0     0
 593 Danj725                   -1027    97     0     0
 594 SheSellsSanctuary         -1044    83     0     0
 595 BOLTMAN                   -1056   142     0     0
 596 saber34a                  -1056    59     0     0
 597 skinneej1                 -1059   121     0     0
 598 kzersoze                  -1060   118     0     0
 599 St. Louis Psychos         -1077   147    94     1
 600 Dad208                    -1081   146   -47     0
 601 CWTB                      -1081   134    94     1
 602 Op1                       -1092   119     0     0
 603 Texaco Stars              -1095   113     0     0
 604 kww68                     -1103   147    94     1
 605 lameducks                 -1108    78     0     0
 606 Stuck600                  -1125   129     0     0
 607 Red Tiger                 -1153    84     0     0
 608 bdurbrow                  -1158   102   -47     0
 609 softb5574                 -1171   130     0     0
 610 Cowgirl68                 -1190   138   -47     0
 611 louky2                    -1194    47     0     0
 612 kmorse                    -1195   111     0     0
 613 Blondi                    -1200   118     0     0
 614 Mizzou75                  -1204    95     0     0
 615 Tower Of Power            -1211   120     0     0
 616 cckazm                    -1213   140     0     0
 617 airallnite                -1218   134     0     0
 618 daveyu                    -1228   128     0     0
 619 ROTO-JLG                  -1239   101     0     0
 620 Guessing 1                -1242   108     0     0
 621 NormyinNH                 -1264   143     0     0
 622 STUPID                    -1266   102     0     0
 623 Rabid                     -1274   117   -94     0
 624 Tim G                     -1281   134     0     0
 625 Caramel                   -1282   132     0     0
 626 Korean Express            -1298    59     0     0
 627 Pythons                   -1304   129    94     1
 628 gottja                    -1312   123    94     1
 629 I Don't Know 3            -1315    94     0     0
 630 corker                    -1322   145    94     1
 631 Hutch                     -1339    93     0     0
 632 Ak99577                   -1395   120     0     0
 633 Indy500                   -1412    71     0     0
 634 kowta                     -1421   125    94     1
 635 parrisk                   -1425    87     0     0
 636 Meehan22                  -1439    82     0     0
 637 jaburt33                  -1463   125     0     0
 638 sleepymo                  -1580   130    94     1
 639 Aris                      -1583   120    94     1
 640 RickZ                     -1585   125     0     0
 641 OSU Rules                 -1606   123     0     0
 642 whuffo                    -1666   129     0     0
 643 Waddups                   -1842   106     0     0
 644 G-Mach                    -1845    61     0     0
 645 kmorse1                   -1929   130     0     0
 646 joe                       -1997   116    94     1
 647 Maine Eventers            -2298   114     0     0
 648 clank                     -2521   119   -94     0

Formula Entry definitions:
Vegas Favorites and Vegas Underdogs are based on the published betting lines as of game day.

Consensus Favorites and Consensus Underdogs are based on the actual Football Pickoff picks for each week.

Home Teams and Away Teams are self-explanatory.

Random Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects each game's winner using a 50/50 probability for each team.

Smart Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects the winner of each game using the consensus percentages. For example, if "team A" is selected by 75% of entrants, then the computer will have a 75% probability of picking "team A", and a 25% probability of picking the opponent.