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Daily blurbs from the Guru
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2/28 - The first official round of GuruGolfing is now underway. Rosters are fairly diverse this week. Fredrik Jacobson is the most widely owned golfer, but he appears on fewer than 20% of active rosters. Overall, 117 different golfers are represented.

Jason Day and Peter Tomasulo were late scratches from this tournament. If your team included either one and you set up a provisional golfer, then the provisional golfer will be substituted into your foursome later today (after the entire field has teed off). Several teams have one of them and did not specify a provisional golfer, so they’ll be stuck with an inactive golfer. Not a good way to start the season.

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2/27 - This is the last day to get your Honda Classic foursome set up for GuruGolf. Be there or be square!

All RIBC AAA slots are now filled. Recruiting continues for each of two AA leagues. If you are interested, please sign up (or ask questions) in either the RIBC AA league at Yahoo or the RIBC AA league at ESPN thread.

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2/25 - Time to GuruGolf!

The field of golfers has been loaded for this week’s Honda Classic, and official play starts Thursday morning. If you’ve been procrastinating, the time has come to act. Pick a foursome (or two, or three, or ten) and let’s get this show on the road.

Meanwhile, preliminary recruiting for the RIBC leagues has been taking place behind the scenes. The managers for the RIBC have been announced. Those who have qualified for a AAA league have been notified by email, and all but two have already responded. And emails have been sent to all other 2012 managers, giving them a chance to pre-commit to a AA league. Public AA sign-ups will begin soon at the baseball forum.

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2/11 - GuruGolf has launched for 2013!

For those who may be unfamiliar with the rules of the game, here is a very brief summary:

  • Assemble a roster of four golfers subject to a salary cap
  • Roster carries over from week to week. Two trades allotted weekly to allow for changes.
  • Scoring for the team is based on both best-ball and worst-ball. Team scoring is tracked in real time.
  • Golfer salaries rise and fall weekly based on performance.
  • Enter up to 10 teams per registrant. Cost is FREE.
For more complete rules, visit the game site. If you have questions, feel free to ask at the GuruGolf 2013 thread in the Golf Forum.

This week’s PGA tournament, the Northern Trust Open, is a preseason event, and will not count in the official season standings. So if you haven’t played before, this is the ideal chance to give it a test drive without any lingering impact.

Be there or be all square!

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2/4 - Other than the power outage, the Super Bowl was generally able to hold interest from beginning to end. Perhaps the only disappointment was that Ray Lewis never did run out to the 50 yard line at the end and ascend into heaven. I guess the SNL skit was just parody, not prophecy.

Congrats to Football Pickoff Champion wk, who strategically failed to double San Francisco, thereby backpedalling slowly into the top spot. The “tough break” award goes to Balrog, who seemed to be in good shape after the regular season, but then managed to post -446 points during the playoffs. Oof.

The Midseason championship was won by phishyd, while the Playoff title was won by M.R.Ducks.

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2013: January

2012: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

2011: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

2010: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

2009: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

2008: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

2007: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

2006: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

2005: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

2004: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

2003: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

2002: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

2001: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

2000: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

1999: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March . . . February . . . January

1998: December . . . November . . . October . . . September . . . August . . . July . . . June . . . May . . . April . . . March

RotoGuru is produced by Dave Hall (a.k.a. the Guru), an avid fantasy sports player. He is neither employed by nor compensated by any of the fantasy sports games discussed within this site, and all opinions expressed are solely his own. Questions or comments are welcome, and should be emailed to Guru<>.

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